Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Final exam essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Final exam - Essay Example To avoid consequences, we make an agreement with other people in the society by denouncing the unacceptable ways and practice doing the acceptable things. Contract theory lays emphasis on the need for justice in the society. For a peaceful coexistence and satisfaction of basic needs people should seek to have a contract where they exchange goods and services. John Locke had the view that the ethical pre-political state of the society is assured by a divinely ordered natural commandment. John Rawls’ Theory of Justice argued that a group of rational and unbiased individuals will create a beneficial principle of justice as the basis for regulation of all duties, power, rights, and wealth. Social contract theory plays the role of setting up rules that govern behaviors that are acceptable by all people in the society. Contract theory creates an orderly society and enhances cooperation in the production of social goods (Gauthier1990). For this to be possible everyone in the society should be involved in the contract. This will ensure that the life and property of the people in the society has been protected. Contract theory aims at removing the notion of utilitarianism or self-interest. It argues that people follow the set rules for the advantage of the society as a whole. Contract theory has been applied by the Government in the form of a constitution. A constitution is a list of things that serve the society to enhance orderliness. The laws in the constitution are amended to accommodate the needs of the individuals in the society. I believe that the constitution ensures that politicians who refer themselves as public servants though they mostly follow their self-interests. The purpose of the constitution is to keep the politicians in check. The constitution bars the politicians from overusing their powers (Gauthier 1990). The success of the Contract theory has been widespread and this has attracted critics as well. Feminists and race conscious philosophers have

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human Service Agencies Essay Example for Free

Human Service Agencies Essay Human service agencies are formed by and for the public. As communities grow and change, the need to respond to the demands of these dynamic societies also increases. Not only does the society lay itself open to positive opportunities, it is also exposed to the negative drawbacks of this dynamism. In fact, there are so many social issues that individuals alone cannot resolve. These are matters concerning the society that need sufficient and appropriate attention also from the society. These agencies do serve as intermediaries between solutions to problems and individuals, families, and societies. There are many issues that individuals, families and societies have that need communal action. I believe that these important issues include the most rampant problems nowadays encountered by people. Even the simplest problems like underage alcoholism, drug dependence, compulsive gambling, widespread crimes†¦ these are social issues that need immediate attention. Issues starting in individuals or within families also necessitate consideration. Some of these are problems of child and women abuse, violence within and outside families, severe and persistent illnesses, including contagious ones, severe emotional disturbances experienced by people, and the like. I think, these ‘simple’ matters must be acted upon immediately by service organizations like human service agencies. This is to mediate and assure proper assistance to individuals and families, thereby assuring their safety, peacefulness, health and wellness, and the society’s as well. I also believe that there are no least important issues, as long as individuals or families, or members of the society are involved, they are considered issues that must be resolved†¦ immediately. I arrived at this standpoint because I myself am a member of this society. Directly or indirectly, I rely and I may rely in the future in these human service agencies for betterment, improvement, protection and the like. And I must not be concerned only about myself but also about the welfare of the whole society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Issue of Happiness in Gooseberries Essay example -- Gooseberries E

The Issue of Happiness in Gooseberries One who seeks their own happiness through life will fail to do much good for others. A preoccupation with achieving this "ideal" state of happiness will certainly lead to an inconsiderate view of the world. Anton Chekhov's story Gooseberries portrays a man who has come to this realization. He has seen the consequences of pure unadulterated happiness, and describes his subsequent emotions as "melancholy". Why should an educated man, a veterinary surgeon none the less, have such issues with human happiness? This paper seeks to understand the question and relate it to the motives of the author, Anton Chekhov. It is important, first of all, to ascertain the meaning of the word happiness in the context which it is used in the story. This would be a good time to give the Webster's Dictionary definition of the word happiness. But is that really necessary? Who is Webster anyway to attempt to define a human emotion!? Instead, it would be more accurate definition if you simply think of your own happiness. What makes you happy? What do you do in order to attain happiness? Only after you answer these questions will you be able to understand the word in the way that Chekhov intended. Wouldn't it be difficult to suppress happiness? If you don't think so, just ask Bertha from Bliss. In the first paragraph of Gooseberries, the last line reads, "On this still day, when the whole of nature seemed kindly and pensive, Ivan Ivanich and Burkin felt a surge of love for this plain, and thought how vast and beautiful their country was". If beauty and love don't afford happiness, what does? It becomes apparent after reading and re-reading the story, what Chekhov means by the word happiness. T... ...easants at his home without fee. Chekhov also worked in clinics during times of famine and epidemic. Thus, Chekhov was exposed to all of "...the terrible things in life that are played out behind the scenes". Although Chekhov performed many good deeds throughout his life, it is likely that he felt as if he had not done enough. One reason why he might have felt this way was his long and painful battle with tuberculosis. As he writes near the end of the story: "I am old and unfit for the struggle, I am even incapable of feeling hatred. I can only suffer inwardly, and give way to irritation and annoyances, at night my head burns from the rush of thoughts, and I am unable to sleep...Oh, if only I were young!" Anton Chekhov was by no means old when he died from tuberculosis. But how it must make a man feel old knowing that his days are numbered.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hamlet presents indecision with decisive craft Essay

Hamlet was written approximately in 1600, during the Elizabethan era, the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Although the head of church and state was a woman, it was predominantly a patriarchal society. The monarch held a policy such as male-preference primogeniture which allows a female to succeed if she has no living brothers and no deceased brothers who left surviving legitimate descendants. Prior to her death, she announced that James I of Scotland would also become James VI of England. Elizabeth announced this to her people in order to avoid catastrophic political and social ramifications. Incest was ripe amongst European royalty, and still is still relevant nowadays. Queen Victoria earned the affectionate nickname, â€Å"Grandmother of Europe†, this royal incestuous behaviour is also evident in Hamlet. Although, adultery and incest is forbidden in the Bible and deemed punishable by death; the Elizabethan audience would have been outraged by the idea of incest and adultery. Although it does not state or there being sufficient evidence that Gertrude was committing adultery with Claudius, considering their hasty marriage shortly after his death, one can certainly allude to the possibility. Being a prince brings with it certain responsibilities and a sense of honour. Hamlet is trapped in a moral dilemma, does he kill the king and avenge his father or does he choose to follow his Christian and royal obligations? Ultimately, Hamlet proves to be indecisive by deliberating which course of action he should take when confronted by an issue. He deliberates due to his strong sense of moral beliefs and code of honour, so therefore is acting wisely when thinking before he acts. However, this does not make him an indecisive character, but rather a wise and logical one. Unfortunately, the conflict that exists between his sense of honour and moral correctness causes a conflict of emotionally driven consequences. Many critics believe Hamlet to be an indecisive character. On the contrary, Hamlet is a decisive character, Hamlet simply make decisions that lead to indecision. However, this does not make him indecisive. When Hamlet encounters the ghost, Hamlet learns that his father was murdered by his uncle, Claudius, â€Å"The serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown†. Hamlet takes an oath to avenge his father’s murder and informs Horatio of his â€Å"antic-disposition†. Hamlet needs to feign madness in order to avoid suspicion from Claudius, this is a decisive decision. Hamlet has lost his father and also to a certain extent his mother, he finds out that his father was murdered by his uncle and he has lost the thorn to his Kingdom. The grief Hamlet experiences must be traumatic, although acting upon grief is extremely dangerous; this could possibly be why Hamlet waits until he can think clearly and productively before taking his revenge, Hamlet is a well-educated and civilised man whom contemplates his thoughts before taking action which are demonstrated throughout the play e. g. his soliloquies. Claudius is now king, if Hamlet attempted to murder him he would surely be executed on an account of the highest possible treason; regicide, which would surely not be justice. Hamlet needed to be smart about how and when to bring about the revenge. He not only needed to kill Claudius but he needed to ensure his and his father’s legacy while destroying Claudius’s in the process, surely unveiling the truth and exposing him as a â€Å"damned villain† would be more satisfying and greater justice than merely killing him. However, in doing so Hamlet has metaphorical blood on his hands, in the process of avenging his father many innocent people die including Ophelia and Gertrude. Also on his quest for revenge another revenge plot unfolds, Laertes revenging Polonius’s murder. Many critics consider Hamlet’s delay simply as a plot device claiming if Hamlet had taken revenge earlier then the play would have been extremely short, this is clearly not true since Hamlet makes it clear to the audience that he himself is aware of his inaction, Shakespeare would not have included this if not to make a clear point, one could also say it is used as a device simply to arouse tension and suspense, while this may be somewhat true I think it is only a minor contribution to the delay, I think the delay has more to do with Hamlet’s morality and his character and the conflicting factors and characters (i. e. Claudius as king and being married to his mother). Some critics believe the delay is nothing more than cowardice; however this proves to be incorrect as Hamlet appears most heroic in certain stages of the play such as killing Polonius and the duel with Laertes. Many critics claim the reason for Hamlet’s delay is due to Claudius being king and therefore it is difficult for Hamlet to take his revenge due to his status and tight security. However, there are times in the play where Hamlet has unguarded access to Claudius, such as when Claudius is praying. Freudian critics such as Ernest Jones and Sigmund Freud claim Hamlet’s mysterious procrastination is a consequence of the Oedipus complex: the son continually postpones the act of revenge because of the impossibly complicated psychodynamic situation in which he finds himself. Though he hates his fratricidal uncle, he nevertheless unconsciously identifies with him-for, having killed Hamlet’s father and married his mother, Claudius has carried out what are Hamlet’s own unconscious wishes. In addition, marriage to Hamlet’s mother gives the uncle the unconscious status of the father-destructive impulses towards whom provoke great anxiety and meet with repression. While it is impossible to prove this theory due to the subconscious nature, some could rebuke this by claiming Shakespeare did not clearly make this a concept in Hamlet, if he had chosen to do so then surely he would have made it more identifiable for the audience. It is certainly true that Hamlet feels betrayed by his mother for disgracing his father’s good name by marrying his brother so shortly after his death, however to claim that Hamlet had different motives for killing Claudius other than revenging his father and bringing about justice to the Danish court is extremely vague and questionable. If Hamlet kills Claudius, certainly it should be classified as justifiable homicide, not only has Claudius committed murderer, but he has also committed regicide and fratricide and could Hamlet not say he was simply acting in self-defence since Claudius sent him to England to his deathbed. It is important to note that Hamlet does not mind if he lives after he has got his revenge, the ‘to be or not to be’ soliloquy contemplates whether to commit suicide or not, whether to take action upon his uncle or not, therefore from these soliloquies we can gather that the idea of death did not so much as fright Hamlet, rather the idea of death without fulfilling his purpose. Hamlet claims that fear of the unknown after death and the idea of going to hell are what stop him from committing suicide, however I believe this is simply an excuse not to take the cowards way out, I believe the real reason for him not committing suicide is due to his desire and need for his revenge upon Claudius. Hamlet’s death in the play, is somewhat similar to that of Jesus Christ, who had to die for the sins of humanity, perhaps this is why Christ is personified as such of a hero because he ended his life in sacrifice to God for us, similarly Hamlet did not just want to kill Claudius for the sake of avenging his father, he also wanted to bring justice to the Danish court and to get rid of the corruption on behalf of Denmark and her people, ultimately he kills Claudius and dies himself in the process and in return for his bravery, he has remained an iconic hero for centuries. Since the theme is revenge and justice, surely Hamlet had to die considering he is also now a target for revenge; it would have been highly hypocritical if Shakespeare had let Hamlet have lived after killing an innocent person, even if he was a â€Å"wretched, rash, intruding fool†. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern betrayed Hamlet, they were aware of Hamlet’s upcoming death sentence and they did not do anything to try and prevent it, therefore I believe Hamlet was justified in sending them to their deaths instead. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are contrasting characters to Hamlet, their indecision led to their deaths and although Hamlet eventually dies as well he, at least he fulfilled what needed to be done. Does not everybody die eventually any why? Perhaps one could say that the pirates arriving gave Hamlet an excellent opportunity to escape was the will of God, destiny even. Considering these points, I do not believe Hamlet was an indecisive character. He made many decisions in the play, although he made some decisions that led to indecision however still with the focus of eventual revenge e. g. Hamlet decided to make the players perform the play â€Å"The Murder of Gonzago† in order to see evidence of Claudius’s guilt himself, â€Å"the play’s the thing wherein i’ll catch the conscience of the king† this leads to the waiting of the play’s performance but Hamlet did this to ensure without a doubt that Claudius was guilty of murder. Hamlet exclaims to his mother, â€Å"I essentially am not in madness but mad in craft†, Hamlet’s ‘craft’ ultimately leads to Claudius’s death, and although so does it to many other innocent characters in the play and himself, perhaps what Hamlet needed was to be decisive quicker in order to prevent innocent blood from being spilt. Perhaps this was Shakespeare’s message all along, when to take action and when to not, to achieve a balance between decision and indecision and to know when the appropriate time is to act. At the end of the play when Hamlet is dying, he is in the middle of Horatio and Fortinbras, Horatio symbolises the scholar and Fortinbras symbolises the warrior. Hamlet successfully achieved to be both scholar and warrior.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Education Reform Essay

Education reform has been a heavily debated topic over the past several decades. This dispute, over education standards, peaked my interest due to my belief that the majority of students in public schools across the United States are underperforming in comparison to other first world countries. On the other hand some teachers and education professionals consider the existing policies adequate in teaching students, and they oppose any new regulations bestowed on by the federal government. These professionals fear that the outcome of increased government action will only result in further standardized testing. There are a plethora of aspects pertaining to education reform, I will just be focusing on a few, including; whether additional schooling controls economic prosperity, if written exams indicate the knowledge a student retains from a particular course, and should the federal government regulate the education system? By beginning some perfunctory research I quickly decided that the United States was in fact in dire need for reform. I chose to investigate further into the issue to find a clearer understanding of what schools and faculty can do to better assist their students. The process of establishing and supporting my thesis was a culmination of multiple components. My Ultimate goal is for the reader to fully comprehend the impurities of public education. My research began with determining a topic, then the research portion of the assignment commenced. Research was not as easy as entering your topic in on a search engine, the sources had to be specific to your topic, from a trustworthy publisher, and factual. Additionally there were requirement as to the medium of sources we needed to incorporate, such as a book, an interview, and a periodical.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Is AP Environmental Science Expert Guide

What Is AP Environmental Science Expert Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you thinking about taking AP Environmental Science but want more information on the course before you decide to enroll? Well, you’ve come to the right place!AP Environmental Science (also called AP Enviro or APES) is one of the most popular AP classes- butsometimesstudents don’t know much about it before they enroll, which can make the class difficult and unenjoyable. So what is AP Environmental Science? In this guide, I’ll explain what topics the course covers, show you some sample problems from previous AP Enviro exams, and discuss who should take the class (it might not be who you’re expecting). After, I'll end with some tips for success if you do decide to take AP Enviro. Let’s get started! What Does AP Environmental Science Cover? What do students in APES learn and what does the exam cover? While you can get an in-depth look at the class by checking out the College Board’s course description for AP Environmental Science,if you find this too wordy or information-heavy, here’s a briefer, clearer overview of the course. AP Enviro is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on ecological processes, human impacts on the Earth, and how to resolve or prevent natural and human-made environmental problems. The class and exam focus on seven main topics: Earth Systems and Resources (10%-15%):Geology, the atmosphere, water resources, soil science, etc. The Living World (10%-15%):Ecosystems, energy flow, biogeochemical cycles Population (10%-15%):Population ecology, reproductive strategies, survivorship Land and Water Use (10%-15%):Agriculture, forestry, mining, fishing, global economics Energy Resources and Consumption (10%-15%):Different types of energy (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric, etc.), energy consumption, renewable energy Pollution (25%-30%):Types of pollution, economic impacts of pollution, how pollution affects environmental and human health Global Change (10%-15%):Global warming, loss of biodiversity, changes to the ozone Like other AP science classes, AP Enviro also includes a lab component, and students who take the class will get hands-on experience in the form of completing labs, observing the natural world, and/or doing field work. You might have to collect water and test it for certain chemicals, observe wildlife in a field or forest, track plant growth, and so on. Students who complete AP Environmental Science are expected to be able to apply scientific concepts, principles, and methodologies to real-world examples and problems. The exam questions are designed to test this knowledge, too. Wondering what kinds of questions you’ll be asked on the AP Enviro exam? Read on to find out! What's on the AP Environmental Science Exam? The AP Environmental Science exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and four free-response questions.The total length of the exam is three hours (one hour and 30 minutes for both the multiple-choice and free-response sections). The multiple-choice section counts for 60% of your overall AP Enviro score, while the free-response section counts for 40%. The four free-response questions consist of the following: One document-based question for which you'll have to answer questions on a given document, such as a newspaper article or brochure One data set questionfor which you’ll be given a set of data and must analyze and interpret it Two synthesis and evaluation questionsfor which you’ll have to write in-depth essays Looking at sample questions can give you a better idea of what you’re expected to know and what you will be tested on. If you want to look at a wide variety of sample questions, you can readthrough previous AP exams or check out our review guide for the AP Enviro Exam. For now, here are a few sample APES questions to serve as an introduction: Multiple-Choice AP Enviro Questions Multiples of each are shown below: This is your standard multiple-choice question, which you’ve likely seen hundreds of before. For this question, the answer is E. To answer each of these three questions, you’d need to look at the above graph and select the plot that best fits the population trend being described. (Answers: 1. = A, 2. = D, 3. = B) Free-Response AP Enviro Section As mentioned above, there are three types of (and four total) free-response questions on the test. Below is anexample of a synthesis and evaluation question, of which therewill be two on the APES exam: To get a high score on this question, you'd have to write a thoughtful, coherent essay that includes complete answers to each of the four subpoints (a-d). Who Should Take AP Environmental Science? AP Environmental Science is one of the more popular AP exams to take; however, a lot of students who take it don’t do particularly well. Based on 2017 data released by the College Board, APEnvironmental Science has the fourth-lowest passing rate of all AP tests.About half (49.4%) of students who took the test passed (in other words, they scored a 3 or higher), only 9.5% scored a 5 (the highest score), and the average score students received was a 2.67, which is nota passing score. Yikes! So is AP Enviro super hard? Not really. It usually requires less work than other AP science classes, and the consensus among students is that the material isn’t particularly difficult. However, many students take APES because they're trying to fill a spot in their schedule or squeeze in an extra AP class, even if they aren’t very interested in it and don't have a lot of experience with AP classes or have enough time to prepare for it. This lack of adequate preparation contributes to low AP Enviro scores. Taking AP Environmental Science and doing poorly in the class and on the exam will not impress colleges or get you any college credit, so definitely try to avoid these scenarios! Now, let’s go over who should take the AP Enviro class and exam: 2 Reasons NOT to Take AP Environmental Science We'll start with two types of students who probably shouldn't take AP Environmental Science. #1: You Plan on Majoring in Science This might be surprising since the word science is actually in the course title, but, as a matter of fact, AP Environmental Science isn’t the best class for future science majors. This is because the class is more interdisciplinary than it is science-based. Compared with other AP science classes such as biology and chemistry, AP Enviro includes a lot more history, writing, and cross-curricular topics. In fact, many colleges that give college credit for AP Enviro give social science creditsas opposed to science credits! AP Enviro can still be a good option if you’re deeply interested in the topic or plan on continuing to study environmental science. But if you’re looking for an AP class to help prepare you for college-level science classes or to get you science credit for college,APES isn’t the best choice. #2: You Don't Have Enough Time to Devote to the Class A lot of students sign up for AP Enviro because it has a reputation for being easy and less work than other AP science classes.Although the material it covers might not be as complicated or in-depth as that in other AP classes, this doesn’t mean you can coast through the class and expect to pass the AP exam. As mentioned above, the majority of students who take the Environmental Science AP exam don’t even pass it, let alone get a 5. AP Enviro still requires you to memorize certain information, make connections, and develop specific skills, and you won’t be able to do this if you don’t plan on putting in the time needed to do well in the class. 4 Reasons to Consider Taking AP Environmental Science AP Environmental Science can be a good class to take for many people. You should consider taking it if one or more of the following applies to you: You’re interested in the environment and/or related topics,such as sustainability, biodiversity, how humans are impacting the earth, etc. You want to take an AP science class but don’t have the space or feel prepared to take AP Biology, Physics, or Chemistry Your school’s APES class has a reputation for being interesting, teaching students a lot, and adequately preparing them for the exam Your other classes and extracurriculars leave you with enough time and energy to spend preparing for this class How to Succeed in AP Environmental Science: 3 Tips If you do decide to enroll in AP Enviro, here are a few tips to help you do well in the class: Tip 1: Don't Expect It to Be All About Science As I mentioned before, AP Enviro isn’t a pure science class. It’s highly interdisciplinary and will include historical information, current events, critical reading skills, and more.If you expect this AP class to be completely science-focused, you might struggle with some aspects of it. While there will be graphs and scientific questions, the AP exam will also ask you to write complete essays and interpret documents, similar to many AP history and English exams. If you struggled with any of these classes or exams before, make sure that you feel more prepared for the AP Environmental Exam. Tip 2: Know How to Read and Interpret Visual Data Many APES exam questions, both multiple-choice and free-response, will ask you to look at a data table, chart, or graph and answer questions about it.Because these questions will require you to be able to understand and analyze different types of data, it’s critical that you know how to do this well before you take the AP Enviro exam. Taking practice exams and quizzes will help you out. You can also look through your textbook and homework, and even relevant newspaper or journal articles, for more examples. When you come across a graph, chart, or something similar, answer the following questions to ensure you’re thinking critically about the data: What is this data showing? What patterns are there? Does any of the data not fit the pattern? What might have caused this? Why is this data important? Tip 3: Remember That Everything's Connected Probably the most important theme of AP Environmental Science is that everything is related. The Earth is one interconnected system, and you need to be able to understand where and why those connections exist. This is not a class in which memorizing isolated facts or terms will get you very far. You can know every step of the nitrogen cycle, but if you can’t explain why this cycle is important,; how it affects plants, animals, and ecosystems; and the impacts it has on Earth, you will earn very few points on the APES exam. As you go through the class, always be thinking about how whatever topic you’re currently studyingis related to past topics and the world as a whole. It’ll also help to think about ways humans might have impacted or been impacted by the topic (if its sustainability is in jeopardy) and how problems related to it can potentially be resolved. Conclusion: What Is AP Environmental Science? Having an introduction to AP Environmental Science can help you decide whether you should take the course or not; it can also show you what to expect if you do decide to enroll. The APES class covers seven main topics: Earth Systems and Resources The Living World Population Land and Water Use Energy Resources and Consumption Pollution Global Change While the material this class covers isn’t particularly complicated or overwhelming,students often underestimate the work needed to do well in it. As a result, many don’t pass the AP exam at the end of the year. This is why you should only take AP Enviro if you have the time and motivation to complete the coursework and prepare for exams, including the final AP test. Because it includes topics from many areas, APES might be of interest to many students. However, if you’re looking for an AP class that'll get you science credit for college and prepare you for future science classes, AP Enviro might not be the best choice since it’s more of an interdisciplinary class than it is a pure science class. Finally, if you decide to take AP Environmental Science, keep these three tips in mind: Don’t expect the class to be all about science Learn how to analyze and interpret visual data Remember that everything is connected What's Next? Looking for resources to help you study for the AP Enviro exam?Check out our ultimate APES review guide, and get access to practice questions with our compilation of the best APES tests. Thinking about AP Environmental Science but not sure what other classes you should enroll in? Learn which AP classes you should takeand create a plan for your future studies. How many AP classes should you take?Get your answer based on your interests and your college goals. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quotes from Philippine President Corazon Aquino

Quotes from Philippine President Corazon Aquino Corazon Aquino was the first woman to run for President in the Philippines. Corazon Aquino was attending law school when she met her future husband, Benigno Aquino, who was assassinated in 1983 when he returned to the Philippines to renew his opposition to President Ferdinand Marcos. Corazon Aquino ran for President against Marcos, and she won the seat despite Marcos attempt to portray himself the winner. Selected Corazon Aquino Quotations Politics must not remain a bastion of male dominance, for there is much that women can bring into politics that would make our world a kinder, gentler place for humanity to thrive in. It is true you cannot eat freedom and you cannot power machinery with democracy. But then neither can political prisoners turn on the light in the cells of a dictatorship. Reconciliation should be accompanied by justice, otherwise it will not last. While we all hope for peace it shouldnt be peace at any cost but peace based on principle, on justice. As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it. Freedom of expression - in particular, freedom of the press - guarantees popular participation in the decisions and actions of government, and popular participation is the essence of our democracy. One must be frank to be relevant. It has often been said that Marcos was the first male chauvinist to underestimate me. National leaders who find themselves wilting under the withering criticisms by members of the media, would do well not to take such criticism personally but to regard the media as their allies in keeping the government clean and honest, its services efficient and timely, and its commitment to democracy strong and unwavering. The medias power is frail. Without the peoples support, it can be shut off with the ease of turning a light switch. I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life. Prime Ministers and Presidents About These Quotes Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis. Each quotation page in this collection and the entire collection  © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is an informal collection assembled over many years. I regret that I am not be able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Smoke Magic Trick - Smoking Fingers

Smoke Magic Trick - Smoking Fingers Would you like to try a simple smoke magic trick? It easy to make your fingers smoke when you rub them together and glow in the dark. All you need is a matchbox and a way to burn the striker portion. Theres also a video of the smoking fingers project, if youd like to see what to expect. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: about a minute Materials The key materials for this project are matches, a matchbox with striker, a metal surface, and a way to make the metal cold. Matchbox of safety matchesCold water faucet or chilled panScissorsLighter One easy way to get cold metal is to run cold water through a faucet. If the water out of your tap isnt particularly cold, another option is to refrigerate a metal pan or set it onto a dish of ice. Perform the Smoke Magic Trick Cut out the striker portion of a matchbox from a box of safety matches. Trim off any paper around the striker.Fold the striker in half, striker-sides facing each other.Set the folded striker on top of the running cold water faucet or a refrigerated metal pan.Use a lighter to set fire to the striker. Ignite both ends. Then run the lighter along the length of the folded striker. It wont burn to ash, which is fine.Discard the burned striker.You will see a brown residue that has been deposited along the top of the faucet or metal pan. Run your fingertip along the residue to pick it up.Slowly rub your finger and thumb together. If you do this in the dark, your fingers will have a greenish glow. Very, very cool. Tips for Success Wash your hands after doing this, and try to avoid breathing in the smoke. The trick probably involves white phosphorus, which can be absorbed through your skin and is toxic.If you dont have scissors, you can do this trick by tearing off the striker portion of the matchbox with your fingers. Its just easier to cut out the striker, if you can.You could use the matches in the matchbox, rather than a lighter, of course. How the Smoking Fingers Trick Works Are you interested in the science behind this smoke trick? Its commonly believed the smoke is vaporized white phosphorus. Heres how it works: Phosphorus is a chemical element that can take several forms, called allotropes. The type of phosphorus in the striker of match boxes is red phosphorus. When you burn the striker, the phosphorus is vaporized and condenses into a solid onto the cool metal surface. This is white phosphorus. The element has not changed identify, just the structural arrangement of the atoms. Rubbing your fingers together produces enough heat from friction to vaporize the phosphorus into what appears to be smoke. The smoke glows green in the dark. While you might assume this is phosphorescence (since youre using phosphorus, after all), its actually an example of chemiluminescence. Phosphorus reacts with oxygen from air to release energy in the form of light. The reason scientists know the red phosphorus from the striker vaporizes into white phosphorus is because of the green glow. Only white phosphorus glows in the dark! White phosphorus readily reacts with oxygen in air to form a flammable compound. Because of this, one of the earliest uses of the purified element was to make matches. Early friction matches have been around since Robert Boyle made them back in 1680, although they did not become popular until 1830. The early phosphorus-based matches were dangerous, containing enough phosphorus to poison a person. Modern matches are called safety matches because they dont use highly toxic chemicals. Smoke Trick Safety The smoking fingers trick used to be a popular school science demonstration. It is not performed much any more because of concerns about the risk from the phosphorus, but if you do the trick infrequently, the dose of phosphorus is small. While red phosphorus is the form of the element that is essential for human life, white phosphorus can cause chemical burns and have a negative effect on bones. You can lessen the exposure by wearing thin, disposable gloves and taking care not to breathe the vapor. Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lions Den Sports Bar & Billiards (Business Plan) Research Paper

Lions Den Sports Bar & Billiards (Business Plan) - Research Paper Example Lion’s Den will run under single proprietorship, with top managers running the various facets of the business. Management wishes to establish the business by means of coordinated marketing and operational execution that will solidify name recognition, and appreciation for the concept. The efforts include both above-the-line and below-the-line advertising, face to face communication and focused strategies. With the marketing plan taking care of drawing the crowd into the business, the operations team will further strengthen client relationship by providing excellent customer service, exemplified by stringent operating guidelines, and up to date employee training and extensive product research. Its expansion plans also prompts management to focus on good inventory management, investing only on fast-moving goods and at the same time, not fearful of experimenting on new trends to find out which fit the target market. The sports bar business will compete in terms of facilities by offering the most number of televisions in the city, and a state of the art table top audio control to give the customers the comfort of being able to listen to his program without the interference of other clients, or without having to wait for the assistance of the service crews. There will also be top-of-the line sports facilities that include billiard tables and dart boards, a mini arcade and a concept bar that are both comfortable and edgy in nature. Clients will feel at ease, and at the same time, be entertained the programs, facilities, visuals and food that the restaurant offers. Lion’s Den will also capitalize on Information Technology and computers to provide the best facilities to the target market. It plans to further expand its business by opening more branches in neighboring cities in the next five years. New Jersey has the most number of malls

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Portugal and Australia Culture Essay

Comparative Analysis of Portugal and Australia Culture - Essay Example Comparative Analysis of Portugal and Australia Culture For an individual, it is imperative to comprehend the multicultural values especially in the business environment to successfully perform the assigned activities. With this concern, in order to ascertain cultural distinctiveness of the host or target country i.e. Australia, a person working in the corporate sector in the nation was interviewed. Subsequently, a number of critical facets have been derived that would enable to meet the ensuing challenges in a diverse culture. The objective of the study is to determine the various cultural dimensions which differentiate the business and cultural environment of Australia from Portugal. The behavioral dimension, work purpose, time and human nature among factors are evaluated. The cultural environment of Australia differs from that of Portugal on the basis of certain grounds. From the conversation with the designated individual and from revealed researches, it has been ascertained that the culture of Australia gives much significance to ascertaining harmony of the country which influences the workplace. The harmony is valued to bring cohesiveness and promote diversity in Australia which supports the work culture to a great extent. Australia renders more significance to the individualistic culture, which makes the society loosely knit. This characteristic is displayed in the business environment where the employees are estimated to be self-reliant and exhibit initiative. The people of Australia are modest, val ue authenticity, sincerity and give more importance to the business. The hiring and the promotion of the people in Australia depend on the merit of the individuals. Conversely, in Portugal, the importance is given to the moral and relationship factor. The cohesiveness of the people in Australia makes it a better place for business than in Portugal. The Portugal culture gives more importance to personal relation than business. The commitment among the people is more in Portugal as they follow the collective approach, which gives more importance to the group member than an individual (ITIM, â€Å"What about Australia†; ITIM, â€Å"What about Portugal†). UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE The rules and procedures are flexible in Australia as it follows the pragmatic culture for avoiding uncertainty. With reference to Hofstede’s cultural dimension, it is observed that the score of Australia is 51 as compared to 104 of Portugal which signifies that the Australian culture gives em phasis on idea generation, innovation and has a risk taking approach to help the work environment to flourish amid the changing uncertainties. Whereas, the Portuguese culture states that they follow rigid rules and procedures which help them to avoid uncertainty better than Australia. The people do not focus on emotions much and emphasize planning to make the business grow. The culture emphasizes more emotions, beliefs and have a risk-averse behavior (ITIM, â€Å"What about Australia†; ITIM, â€Å"What about Portugal†). SOURCES OF TRUTH In the Australian organizational culture, the managers are easily accessible due to a flexible hierarchical system. The communication system is informal in Australia which gives scope for both the management and the employees to have a free interaction. Thus, employee for any query or in search of truth

The Comparison of Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa and the Essay

The Comparison of Acceptance of Homosexuality in South Africa and the United States - Essay Example In South Africa, homosexuality is yet to gain positive approval from the majority although the new constitution supports it. Homosexuals in South Africa used a number of factors to gain approval from the government. These include hijack of the revolution, guilt manipulation and intimidation, and intolerance in the name of equality. Keywords: Homosexuality, Sexual Orientation, South Africa, United States, Acceptance, Civil Rights, Equality, Inequality, Constitution Introduction The origins of homosexuality are believed to date back to the biblical times when the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are said to have been destroyed by God. Despite this, the practice found its way in societies that followed. Over centuries different theories have been developed by sexologists, doctors, writers, religious leaders, and philosophers to explain homosexuality. Historical theories of homosexuality were based on fear and misunderstanding rather than scientific evidence. Homosexuality has existed in the world for millions of years and has generally always been condemned. The religious people view homosexuality as a sin, while psychiatrists view it as a disease that needs to be studied and diagnosed. According to Cantor, D., Cantor, E., Black, and Barrett â€Å"over the course of the past two thousand years of western civilization, homosexuality has been punished, by torture and death until the nineteenth century, and then by legal restrictions and discrimination into the present† (2006, p.24). However, despite having an astounding history of repulsion and rejection, homosexuality has been embraced by some cultures in the world such as ancient China, Japan, and Greece. In ancient Greece for example, homosexual relationships between males were viewed as valuable because â€Å"love between males was honored as a guarantee of military efficiency and civic freedom† (Cantor, D., Cantor, E., Black, & Barrett 2006, p.24). Consistent rejection of homosexuality in Europe incre ased with the rise of Christianity. During the time homosexuality and heresy became the worst sins man could ever commit. Homosexuality continues to be an issue of discussion in many of the nations around the world. As many of them keep on rejecting its incorporation in the society, the fact remains that homosexuality persists among the people, especially now that most of the cultures are been washed away due to the mixture of the society arising from immigration stimulating societies’ change in behavior. Again, people are characterized by different levels of leisure and satisfaction which poses agendas on moral factors, but also individuals’ rights and freedom of choice and expression.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dementia as an extremely debilitating disease Essay

Dementia as an extremely debilitating disease - Essay Example This research will also show the importance of the nurse as an advocate for those who have mental disabilities such as dementia. Of course there will be thorough discussion on what the best interventions are in the acute care setting to try and maintain a decent quality of life for the patient as well. The conclusion shows that dementia is a severely crippling disease, both physically and mentally, and therefore often the best nursing approach is a holistic one with an interpersonal methodology intertwined. Although there is no cure for dementia, appropriate management of care by the nurse can make a great deal of difference in these patients' lives. Dementia is actually the gradual destruction of several areas of the brain that affect the cognitive processes. This of course causes maladaptive behavior changes and the nurse sometimes has a more difficult time managing the patient care when these symptomatic occurrences begin to take place (Antonangeli 1995, pg. 167). Typically dementia is viewed as a collection of negative symptoms, but positive symptoms are present as well. During the early stages of the illness when the patient is only mildly impaired it is very common for individuals to avoid active participation in life. Patients tend to withdraw from social engagements, lack initiative, and overall behave in an indifferent and apathetic manner. It is the nurse's role to attempt to manage their care in a way that will keep them from adapting to this type of behavior. In the acute care setting a certain quality of life is attempted to be maintained for as long as possible. This might be through medications prescribed, psychol ogical counseling services, or other methods of intervention that are geared towards each individual patients needs because not every dementia patient requires the same form of treatment in the initial stages nor as the disease progresses (Aylward et al 1997, pg. 155). As the illness progresses and the cognitive deficits increase patients may become more anxious and agitated. Patients with preexisting psychological problems are prone to experiencing hallucinations and delusions. In particular these patients exhibit paranoid delusions, for instance accusing the elderly spouse of being unfaithful. Misperceptions, such as the inability to distinguish real people from television images, are also common at this stage (Bauer & Shea 1986, pg. 144). Aggression, in particular verbal hostility tends to increase as accurate perception declines. It is perceived that these agitated and aggressive behaviors may represent issues where the patient is making an adaptive effort to try and communicate their needs. They are also attempting to express why they are behaving the way they are but they simply become frustrated and

Population Health Change Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Population Health Change - Research Paper Example Identification of the Target group In this case the problem identified in the population is obesity which refers to a medical condition in which there is excess accumulation of body fats in the body to the extent that it has adverse effects on the health of an individual resulting in reduced life expectancy and increased health problems. The scenario here is that in the population we have two different groups of people, the people who operate the cafeteria and the residents. The residents consume food from the cafeteria that causes the obesity. This change program will focus on the residents because of a number of reasons. The first reason is that if the change was directed on the cafeteria workers, the people will still look for that food because they are used to consuming that diet. Secondly for a lasting change to occur the residents must change their eating habits and this will also cause the cafeteria management to change their menu (Barr, 2007; Swinburn, 2004). The argument her e is that it is important that the residents realize the effects of the poor diet on them and change their eating habits. ... t supplies from outside to satisfy their needs (Barr, 2007) Dietary changes/modification There are a variety of strategies used for reducing obesity and these strategies vary depending on certain demographic factors within the target group. Some of the strategies that are very appropriate for this population are dietary changes and physical activity. Dietary changes involve the improvement of diet quality through the reduction in consumption of energy dense foods especially those that are high in fats and sugars and increase the intake of foods that are high in dietary fiber. In physical activity the individuals are encouraged to maintain a healthy body through planned body exercises that are regular and follow a specific pattern. These two strategies are most important in solving obesity and if followed well will lead to success of the change program (NHLBI, 2000; Schroeder, 2007). It is important to realize this is a residential center and this kind of place is usually for people w ho are older and cannot live on their own. Such people have low mobility levels and therefore cannot move from place to place. The best strategy for this group would dietary changes. This is because of a number of reasons. The first reason is that this group has low mobility levels and therefore engaging them in physical activities on a daily basis will not be welcomed by them. Secondly the age group of these people does not allow them to engage in physical activities such as running, they may walk for a short distance but this will burn fewer calories and therefore the change may take a very long time to occur and people usually do not like this and will end up stopping the activity before they actually reduce their body weight (NHLBI, 2000). The dietary plan changes will involve a five

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dementia as an extremely debilitating disease Essay

Dementia as an extremely debilitating disease - Essay Example This research will also show the importance of the nurse as an advocate for those who have mental disabilities such as dementia. Of course there will be thorough discussion on what the best interventions are in the acute care setting to try and maintain a decent quality of life for the patient as well. The conclusion shows that dementia is a severely crippling disease, both physically and mentally, and therefore often the best nursing approach is a holistic one with an interpersonal methodology intertwined. Although there is no cure for dementia, appropriate management of care by the nurse can make a great deal of difference in these patients' lives. Dementia is actually the gradual destruction of several areas of the brain that affect the cognitive processes. This of course causes maladaptive behavior changes and the nurse sometimes has a more difficult time managing the patient care when these symptomatic occurrences begin to take place (Antonangeli 1995, pg. 167). Typically dementia is viewed as a collection of negative symptoms, but positive symptoms are present as well. During the early stages of the illness when the patient is only mildly impaired it is very common for individuals to avoid active participation in life. Patients tend to withdraw from social engagements, lack initiative, and overall behave in an indifferent and apathetic manner. It is the nurse's role to attempt to manage their care in a way that will keep them from adapting to this type of behavior. In the acute care setting a certain quality of life is attempted to be maintained for as long as possible. This might be through medications prescribed, psychol ogical counseling services, or other methods of intervention that are geared towards each individual patients needs because not every dementia patient requires the same form of treatment in the initial stages nor as the disease progresses (Aylward et al 1997, pg. 155). As the illness progresses and the cognitive deficits increase patients may become more anxious and agitated. Patients with preexisting psychological problems are prone to experiencing hallucinations and delusions. In particular these patients exhibit paranoid delusions, for instance accusing the elderly spouse of being unfaithful. Misperceptions, such as the inability to distinguish real people from television images, are also common at this stage (Bauer & Shea 1986, pg. 144). Aggression, in particular verbal hostility tends to increase as accurate perception declines. It is perceived that these agitated and aggressive behaviors may represent issues where the patient is making an adaptive effort to try and communicate their needs. They are also attempting to express why they are behaving the way they are but they simply become frustrated and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Essay Example A campaign that finally resulted in the birth of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on January 1, 2005. Notwithstanding these significant success chucked, a few years down the line the Act has generated mixed feelings and also generated unprecedented controversies. It is against this background that the central focus of this essay will be to conduct an exhaustive analysis of the most contending issues in the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Some observers are of the opinion that the innumerable exemptions in the Act have rendered it so feeble that it barely serves the purpose for which it was enacted. Whilst on the other hand, another school of thought holds a completely contrasting view of the Act as being an instrument that is lavishly granting arbitrary intrusive powers that are by themselves self-destructive; they primarily threaten social cohesion. The government of the United Kingdom enacted and implemented the Freedom of Information Act 2000 through her parliament to create the platform for individuals, institutions and organizations to be bestowed with the right to demand relevant information from public institutions. It should be noted that the enactment of the Act is fundamentally a fulfillment of the Labor Party's election campaign promise during the 1997 general elections. Basically, the F Basically, the Freedom of Information Act is part of the general legal system that already has a number of legislations that boarder on the rights of information. They include among others the Common Law of Confidentiality, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Data Protection Act 1998. Essentially, the legislation as implemented in the United Kingdom1 seeks to serve citizens within the broader framework of both the parliament of Scotland and the parliament of the United Kingdom. In Scotland it is called the "Scottish Act 2002" whilst the name remains unchanged in the United Kingdom. It became imperative to structure the Act to be in consonance with the juridical and public regulatory system in Scotland as means of ensuring the workability of the Act across geopolitical areas; in Scotland for instance, the parliament has an enormous control of the majority of public institutions making it thus prudent to make realistic adjustments to accommodate this difference, hence a second legislation dubbed the "Act of the Scottish Parliament" was enacted to bridge this gap. It is in many ways very similar to the main Act (The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002). Meanwhile the Freedom of Information Act is limited in its application to institutions and bodies that are out of the legal and geographical jurisdiction of the United Kingdom; they include territories abroad as well as crown dependencies. Taking cognizance of the sensitive nature of the Act the government was convinced that the most prudent to manage the process is to adopt a gradualist approach to guide the implementation process. Consequently, the Act was implemented in phases culminating into the tentative Act that guaranteed access to public information been eventually enforced on January 1, 2005. A look at the Act shows well over 100, 000 public institutions that have being listed as being eligible to release information to any individual, public interest organisation or institution (see Brooke, 2005 for detailed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Physical Therapist Assistant Essay Example for Free

Physical Therapist Assistant Essay In my experience as Physical Therapist Assistant, I have come to learn that physical therapy is a profession in health care division which deals with the restoration and maintenance of the movements and function of individuals who were disabled by aging, injury, diseases, or accidents. This profession involves constant interaction between physical therapist to patients/clients, doctors, families of patients, caregivers, and even communities. Physical Therapists ( PT) and Physical Therapist Assistants ( PTA) are required to study the history of their patients, results of the physical examinations of the patients performed by medical professionals, results of laboratory examinations and imaging studies of the patients, before the therapist can establish a management plan for the patient. We can practice in different settings such as outpatient clinics and offices, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education and research centers, schools, hospices, industrial workplaces, fitness centers and sport training facilities. We can also be assigned to different specialized section of the hospital we are working in, such as: cardiopulmonary where we handle patients with cardiopulmonary disorders or those who have undergone cardiac or pulmonary surgeries; geriatric or adult patients whose movements are affected by arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer diseases, hip and joint replacement, and balance disorders; neurological department where patients are afflicted with Alzheimer’s diseases, ALS, brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s diseases, spinal cord injury and stroke; orthopedic department whose patients have problems with their musculoskeletal system; We are also trained in treatment and management of infants, children and adolescents with congenital diseases, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal and acquired disorders; while in pediatric department; and patients with wounds and burns in the intergumentary department. The educational requirements of Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant have not much difference in the subjects we have taken. Both PT s and PTAs are required to take General Biology, Psychology, Pharmacology, Patho-physiology, Medical Technology, and Human Electives. However, Physical Therapists have additional subjects such as Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology. I have also observed that this profession is more suitable to men than women. This is due to the fact that this profession calls for a lot of physical exertions such as carrying and assisting temporary invalid patients. It is also advisable to anyone who wants to enter this profession to be physically, mentally, and emotionally strong. Physically, in the sense that since we will be dealing patients whose movements are not well-coordinated due to their injuries or incapacities, they will be a lot heavier the ordinary people. We also have to be mentally and emotionally strong, as to be able to possess patience and perseverance in understanding the attitudes of the patients for they may prove difficult to handle due to their incapacities. Due to the differences in their curriculum and educational background, there are also differences in the job description between a physical therapist and a physical therapist assistant. Although they have to acquire licensure after graduation, the degree of the PT is in doctorate level while the PTA is that of an associate degree. In work area, they are both tasked with the assessment of patients, implementing the treatment of the patient, keeping and monitoring their patients’ records, communicating with patients as to the condition of their patients, and also communicating with other PT and selected healthcare professionals. However, the PT has more additional duties and obligations than the PTA. This includes the task of determining the plan care of the patient, the analysis of the evaluation and assessment results from physicians of the patients, establishing treatment goals for the patient, and managing various patient problems. The PT can assign the right tasks to the PTA and PT technicians while the PT can assign tasks to PT technicians only. Licensed PT and PTA are required to be a member of an association of physical therapist assistants such as the APTA or the American Physical Therapy Association. This association was first formed in 1921 and was called the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association. In the later part of 1930, this name was changed to American Physiotherapy Association and begun accepting male members. During World War II, the members of this association rose from 1,000 to 8,000 members due to greater demands for therapists. By 1940’s, it established its main office in New York, hired full-time staff, established a House of Delegates to create policies to be followed by its members, and changed its name to American Physical Therapy Association. From then on, the number of its members has swelled to more than 75,000 all over the United States. The main goal of APTA is to promote development and progress in physical therapy practice, research, and education. And assist its members in their problems regarding their work and profession. The mission of APTA is to improve the position in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the movement dysfunctions of patients. Aside from this, APTA also aimed to develop the functional abilities and health of the public. I have the privilege to interview a licensed physical therapist assistant and here are the excerpts: †¢ Why did you choose PT over other professions? I chose PT over some other profession for personal growth. You see ever since I was a child, I am very much fascinated by human anatomy. And because of this, I cannot afford to just sit back and see people suffer with their limited movements due to diseases and accidents. I then decided to take this course and profession to help people survive and rebuild their lives after their traumatic experience. Also PT has wider scope in theoretical and practical learning in school, and I want to see these principles and concepts being applied in the healthcare settings. †¢ What are the challenges involved in your profession? I find the way the interaction between the patients and me goes a big challenge. People are different. They have different attitudes, needs and wants, outlook, and so on. As such, it is very hard to interact with numerous patients everyday because the way you interact with one is not necessarily the way you would interact with the others. I mean, one patient would want to be pampered and spoiled while another would not want to be treated as if he or she was an invalid. Another challenge for me is how to motivate my patients for them to follow my instructions and the treatment plan I have propose to them. For a lot of people, the loss of functionality of one facility or skill could be very difficult to accept. Most of them would lose hope and sulk. This is, why as PT, I have to make him or her understand that we could still revive it, that we could still bring back that functionality or skill and that life can pretty much go back to normal. †¢ What advise do you give to those who aspire to become a PT like you? Well, for those who want to take up this profession, I advise them to be sure if this is really want they want in life; if they have compassion to other people specially those who are disabled. You see, this profession takes a lot of hard work†¦ physically, mentally and emotionally. One has to be patient enough in dealing with their patients, for cases handled by physical therapists require perseverance, hard work, and a lot of understanding. One must have flexible time in order to be able to attend to the needs and treatments of the patient. One must have the stamina in handling and assisting temporary disabled patients for they sure need a lot of help in their movements. One must also have the compassion to make the patient comfortable as much as possible, for mostly patients in this department are in a lot of pain with each movement they made. †¢ Is there anything you do to improve in your work? Oh yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I always update myself on any development with regards to the new treatment program being discovered by researcher in this department. I also attend seminars and study program abroad about the latest trend in giving therapy. I also keep myself well informed about the latest drug developed for patients in this area. †¢ How do you keep yourself fit and healthy in this kind of profession? As it is taxing and strenuous in this field of work, I take large doses of Vitamin C to strengthen my immune system, and multivitamins to give me this energy needed in assisting patients and treating their dysfunctions. And a lot of sleep, and most of all, clean living – meaning no smoking and drinking excess liquor, to maintain the balance needed. Works Cited â€Å"About APTA. † APTA. 2009. 09 February 2009 http://www. apta. com. â€Å"About the Profession: Physical Therapist Assistant. † Midlands Technical College. 2009. 09 February 2009 http://www. mtc. com â€Å"APTA History. † APTA. 2009. 09 February 2009. http://www. apta. com â€Å"Physical Therapy. † Wikipedia. 2009. 09 February 2009. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Physical therapy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Culture in the Police Force

Culture in the Police Force Culture is a way of life, different nations, different countries or even different families have their own cultures. There is one occupational culture inside the police force, that what we called Cop Culture. According to Reiner (2000), police occupational cultures can be defined as a kind of share values, beliefs, norms, working practices, and informal rules, police officers will use these cultures to justify their works in their world. In this essay, we will talk about the principal features and characteristics associated with cop culture, also we will further discuss the main recent critiques of the previous scholarly understandings of cop culture. Culture is the way of life which varies from place to place, or changes over period. It exists in many forms like, behaviors, attitude or norms, etc. Cop culture is an organizational culture within the police force, it is not the formal rules but still widely spread within the force. These informal rules and share values will not be published as written manuals. There will not have a ceremony to announce these rules, but when new recruits enter the system, during the recruitment and training period, they will be socialized and learn about the culture. New police officers are then engaged in following the informal rules as they are all assumed to achieve the same goal. With this unavoidable socialization, police and cop culture are always closely interdependent. Many studies always use cop culture as the key debate in contemporary policing, it is because public concerns that, police is the professionals in our society, their works involve danger and risk. They are paid to protect the public safety and prevent crime, so they should take these responsibilities. Public expect and demand police officers the highest standard of work, but they do not truly understand the complexity of police work. Working between this ambiguous gap, there is a need for police officers to work out a special way of life to sustain the whole system. Cop culture involves different underlying values, these may affect or guide the polices working behavior. It can be seen as the reference for police to understand more about the way of work and the policing style of its organization, or we may say it is a kind a learning behavior. As many criminologists mostly concern about how the cop-culture shapes the ways in which officers use their discretion? we can make use of the police culture to further understand and interpret how the police use the discretion power. (Westmarland, L, 2008) Discretion power takes an important role in the police role, police use this specific authorized power when they have to make decision for their operation. As we all know, it is impossible to implement the law fully, there still have differences between law in practice and law in theory. We cannot write down every single case in a rule book, and ask the police officers to follow them strictly. In this case, police need to make good use of the knowledge l earnt from the training school and experiences from the senior officers as references. Police have to face thousands of decision making process at their work, for example, whether to arrest or warn a careless driver. Discretion power provides them a wide range of methods to enforce the law correctly. In this case, cop-culture may affect their perception about the criminal behavior or the criminals. Finally, it may change and control the results or even the justice directly. To combine different scholars studies about Cop culture, they tried to list a numerous of features to characterize cop-culture. They are a sense of mission, cynicism/pessimism, machismo, suspiciousness, internal solidarity/social isolation and conservatism. Robert Reiner (2000: 111-114) strongly emphasized the central feature of cop culture is a sense of mission. Police have a strong sense to protect the public and the weak, as it is not only their job but their way of life. They have strong commitment to this valuable work. About the cynicism/pessimism, it dominated the personalities of police officers. Because their work makes them the exposure to dangerous conditions, they become mistrust to the public or even everyone. Machismo is a product of the masculine ethos of the force and the tension built up by the work (Jewkes, Y. Letherby, G., 2002 : 276), it is a very typical sketch in every police force. With a cult of masculinity and the strong and aggressive self- images, this has great influence power on their attitude and behaviors towards offenders, victims and crime. Moreover, Skolnick (1966) introduced other three main characteristics in making of cop culture, they are suspiciousness, internal solidarity linked with social isolation and conservatism. It is all started from the job nature of police, the work of police is closely related to danger and risk. With this nature, police firstly become more suspicious of everyone in the society, probably, they are trained to be suspicious as to stop the danger matters as soon as possible, suspicious manner thus lead to social isolation which includes isolation from families, friends or the mainstream of community. They may think that all the people except their colleagues do not understand their works. As internal solidarity is linked with social isolation, they will also be mutually reinforced. It is easily to understand that because of that external social isolation, they will become more rely on their working partners, they will feel that only police officers will know and support their works, and th us enhance their internal solidarity. Conservatism is related to the traditional image of police, as they are the authority figures which upholding strong legitimate powers in the society, their working style will be conservative too. They will not be easily affected by other norms, such as they should not have any sympathies towards any crime related parties. Also, conservatism makes the police organizations lack of incentive to change and reforms. All of above features are not written as formal rules but they are all known by any police officers. According to Skolnick (1966), police view themselves as the safeguards of society, they are working in danger and they are required to be suspicious. They need to use their authorities to enforce the law as to protect the society. Within this framework, Skolnick (1966) pointed out the police always face a dilemma that we are working under pressure to achieve results in the form of law enforcement, but we are restricted by the rule of law to enforce the law Also, as their work are closely watched by the public every day ( Newburn. T Reiner. R, 2007: 918), these give the police work greater pressures, and thus provide them an environment to develop a set of unique culture for dealing with their works. And public may see this culture as deviant but it has been accepted and justified as normal in the cop-culture. Some other studies (Wortley, R, K., 1992) also noted Racial prejudice as a feature of cop culture. It is shown that police are targeted a specific races as their policing target informally. They believe they are the authorized moral judges in the community, so they are allowed to do some prejudge before the formal due-process. The important point is that they usually focus on the minorities and develop a certain unfair or discriminative attitude to deal with them. You may ask in what ways the police officers share these cop culture, and does it really so long-lasting? According to Andrew Brown (1995:26), culture is a product of historical process. When years and years pass, this has become a set of identical working style within the organization. Experiences are accumulated day by day, and become the history today. The shared norms and values are easily spread between department and officers. However, many criminologists wrote to criticize the existence of cop-culture. Most of their studies focused on problem of races and gender discrimination, and it raised the public attention on police abuse of discretion power or even more serious problem like, miscarriage of justice. Different scholars had brought out their complaints about the cop-culture, and have advocated kind of reform to stop the spread and development of the cop-culture. Is that really so serious that we need to restrict this internal culture within the police organization? Some recent scholars like, Chan (1996) and Waddington (2004) started to look cop-culture with a different angles and paint a new picture for it. They challenged the previous scholars about their conception of the cop-culture. According to Police (canteen) sub-culture: an appreciation of Waddington, P.A.J (2004), he tried to offer us an alternative view of cop culture which opposed the previous scholars understanding and criticisms about cop-culture. Waddington(2004) stated that it is only a canteen culture whereas we can treat it as an oral phenomenon, he emphasized the differences between talk and action( Waddington, 2004 : 364), we do not need to pay too much attention on their private talks in such private backstage like canteens where far away from public. He argued that it is only an act of storytelling. In some case is that senior officers make use of the channel to share their war stories with some exaggerate manners. However, we should believe the professional training as those police officers have abilities to determine its reality and decide whether to take it as reference or not. In addition, it can be a positive thing which provides them opportunity to express their emotions as they have already suffered from high pressure on their daily work. This police occupational culture also provides them an idea of spirit, it fosters a strong sense of cohesion between officers and thus enhances their working attitude. Officers believe that there is a mutual understanding which makes them find their own values within the organization and community. Waddington (2004: 375) also described this canteen culture is simply developed by a condition of talking a good fight , officers just want to glorify themselves, it is also related to their personalities of machismo. The process of glorification can definitely increase their self-esteem which makes them work harder and more efficient as to achieve the same goal and to maintain their internal working spirit. Moreover, Waddington, P.A.J. (2004) argued that cop culture is just an in-group culture, it is unnecessary to link this with the problem of race or gender discrimination. Also, those characteristics are just the way of police lives, we should not comment it as negative or even to reform their way of lives. It is meaningless to concern about the talk aspect, or we should pay more attention on their action indeed. Another key critique about cop-culture is proposed by Janet Chan (1996) recently. She made 4 main criticisms about the previous conceptions about cop-culture and its abilities to explain cop-culture. Firstly, Reiner (1992: 109) stated that the cop culture is not monolithic, universal nor changing. But Chan (1996) argued that the previous definitions are too simple and not universal. She concerns the failure of existing definitions of police culture to account for internal differentiation and jurisdictional differences. (Chan, 1996: 111) She stated that there must be different level of police sub-cultures inside the organization, but the previous scholars mostly just focus on the culture of street level, but they neglected the culture of management level. She criticized that the previous scholars could not provide a full definition and comprehensive conditions of cop-culture. Secondly, Chan (1996) argued that police officers are not like what Reiner (1992: 109) described as passive and being cultural dopes She also criticized Reiner did not make an detailed explanation about socialization of police officers. Every police officer has their own choice to decide whether absorb and transform the values, they will not follow those informal rules blindly. They can separate which are hero stories and which are real works and real world. Thirdly, Chan (1996: 112) proposed that A theory of police culture must, therefore, situate culture in the political and social context of policing. As the police is closely related to the society, it is impossible to extremely separated them. However, Chan (1996) found that the previous scholars failed to do this. No matter the street level and management level officers also need to respond to the public reaction. About those problems of injustice or corruption, police organization still have to react to these scandals. The final criticism is closely linked with the previous criticisms, according to Chan (1996:112), an all-powerful, homogeneous and deterministic conception of the police culture insulated from the external environment leaves little scope for a cultural change. She stated that the previous scholars were failed to examine the scope and possibilities for changing this cop-culture. Almost thirty years ago, people are started to pay attention on the police occupational culture which we named as cop culture nowadays. Police take an important role in our society, a minimal difference between their behaviors may result very differently. Most of the studies are focus on the street cop culture, especially those patrol officers. Cop culture is the shared values and norms within the police officers, although this culture will be varies from place to place, there are still some standard features in general. However, many scholars always defined cop culture as something negative and destructive to society. After a period of time, some current scholars argued that those previous criticisms about cop culture may not be correct in all cases, and made a newly and clear way for us to understand the concept about cop culture.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

American Racism Exposed in Poems by Langston Hughes and Sherman Alexie

American Racism Exposed in Langston Hughes' "Let America Be America Again" and Sherman Alexie's, "Capital Punishment" The issue of racial discrimination has become societal norm in America. Poems like Langston Hughes' "Let America Be America Again" and Sherman Alexie's, "Capital Punishment" show the injustice that still exists. Both poems speak to the prejudice that is accepted and current in America's past and present. Alexie and Hughes, both from minority groups, have seen the ugly face of racism. Both poems have many similarities, including the obvious tone of anger. The pieces also have their differences, while Hughes poem speaks from the viewpoint of one of the oppressed; Alexie's speaker is just a witness. Both writers draw attention to the injustices that minority groups face daily in this land of the free. Sherman Alexie, A Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian, grew up on a reservation in Washington yet attended a high school where he was, as he so eloquently said, "the only Indian...except for the school mascot."(Alexie) Even though he was a star basketball player he still faced the torment of his schoolmates due to his heritage. This injustice influenced Alexie to compose the poem, "Capital Punishment." This poem tells the story of an Indian who was sentenced to death, the story is told from the perspective of the cook who prepares his last meal. The line "I am not a witness" is repeated throughout the poem, it is said after Alexie addresses a sensitive societal issue. Topics concentrated on are prejudice, homosexuality and clearly capital punishment. Alexie uses subtleties at first, alliterating to his stance on capital punishment but by the end of the poem the anger and frustration is prevalent. The speaker o... ...ure. Not only does Hughes reject the idea of "the American Dream" he discards the proposal that America is the land of the free. Would America properly function without the oppressed, the people who work 50 hour weeks at minimum wage, the people who created this "America?" Without those people the comfortable lifestyle most of us know would be gone. So, the poor, colored and those of a different nationalities are denied chances to succeed to keep the traditional values. Both poems address the widespread societal issue of racism that is so prevalent in America. Hughes and Alexie seem to agree that judgment of others has been the disgrace of our nation. If the color of a man's skin did not have such a great value in our society maybe then America could be everyone's. Not just the rich white man's but the immigrants, the Africans, the Indians and the poor.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Behavioral Risk Factors and Oral Health

It has been found that as socioeconomic status increases, the incidence of disease, illness, and their impacts decrease (Reisine, 1009).   Specifically, large disparities exist for differences in oral health.   Socioeconomic status is usually measured by â€Å"income, education, or occupational prestige that offer advantages to individuals and families† (Reisine, 1009).   Some base it on the neighborhood that one lives.The frequency of tooth-brushing, dental check-ups, and the consumption of sweets and soft drinks affect dental health ( Ylà ¶stalo, 195).   It is recommended by dentists to brush teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride daily to prevent tooth decay.   Dental check-ups are encouraged every six months.   In some households, baking soda is used for tooth-brushing.   Although it is inexpensive, it does not contain fluoride.Oral infections and cardiovascular diseases have common biological and behavioral risk factors such as poor diet, smoking, and excessive alcohol use.   The health of one’s mouth affects the health of the rest of the body. The process of digestion begins in the mouth.â€Å"Psychosocial determinants could act as a link between general health behavior and dental health behavior† (Ylà ¶stalo, 194).   Consistency, control, self-worth, life satisfaction, and optimism have been linked to several health outcomes (Ylà ¶stalo, 194).   For example, people that are optimistic tend to recover better from illnesses.In conclusion, the connections between oral and general diseases are because of unhealthy habits; they can result from a person’s socioeconomic status and lifestyle.   These unhealthy behaviors are risk factors for overall health.ReferencesReinsine, Susan T. and Walter Psoter. (2001, October).   Socioeconomic Status and Selected   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Behavioral Determinants as Risk actors for Dental Caries. Journal of Dental Education, 1009-1015.Ylà ¶stalo. P .V., Ek, E., Laitinen, J., and M.L. Knuuttila. (2003). Optimism and Life Satisfaction as Determinants for Dental and General Health Behavior-Oral Health Habits Linked to Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Journal of Dental Research, 82(3): 194-199.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Best Locations to Buy CBD Oil Near Me

Ever wondered how you can get your hands on a CBD oil near you? Then you have just stumbled across the right place. The sales of CBD oil have been on an upward trend since 2017, and forecasts indicate they will only get better. Restrictions put in place by State and Federal laws have created lots of misperceptions on who can purchase the CBD oils. So how does one go about it?Intending to Buy the CBD Oil near me?First, start by understanding the laws. Currently, only 9 states across the country allow for the use of marijuana on recreational grounds, Washington, D.C can be included. Not everyone has the opportunity to walk right into a dispensary and make an order for fine CBD oil, this privilege is determined by where you reside. Despite the acceptance of legal recreational weed, some of the 9 states require special medical marijuana cards or a medical prescription from a physician. If you are in a state that requires so, it's quite simple to obtain an online recommendation in a matte r of minutes. As of 2018, 29 of the 50 states within the union permit the use of medical weed in one way or the other. Cannabis CBD oil used for special treatment fall right within that category given it's an affiliate product. Now, where does the complication arise? When it comes to qualifying for a medical card, that's easy. The downside is having to go through a long and tiresome bureaucratic process with the state Health Board. All the best on that! Even after going through the entire charade, the most stringent medical states have few authorized dispensaries open. They are located in areas that are totally inaccessible. Our CBD oil is derived from Hemp, which is why it is legal in all 50 states. This article is the perfect guide for those anyone searching â€Å"Where to but CBD oil near me†.History of Hemp CBD oilCultivation of the first hemp plants began over 10,000 years ago. The first sighting was made in an ancient Taiwanese village. Distinguished as one of the first plants cultivated by man, hemp and cannabis are widely regarded as the foundation of Chinese medicine. As it thrived into mainland China, it gradually spread into India, Europe, and Arabia over the next millennia. Hemp found its way into America during the colonial times by explorers and was mainly used as medicines, fabrics, and textiles. Accidentally discovered from the hemp plant in 1940, CBD emerged as a powerful substance that can alter our percepti on of human health and disease.What is CBD?According to the latest research, cannabidiol extracts derived from cannabis plants can be used as oil. Mainly rich in Cannabinoids, they are bound to receptors within the brain. Another widely known cannabinoid is the tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as THC. It was in 1960 when scientists were able to isolate the THC compound from cannabis. CBD is a structural isomer of THC that accounts for 80 percent of the plant extract. They both share the same chemical composition except for the atom arrangement which differs slightly. There is a unique ring in the stricture that opens and closes. When it opens its CBD when closed its THC. The CBD compound has existed much longer than THC but its true value has manifested in the past few decades. We have only begun to understand how it modulates the effects of THC and acts as a unique compound in itself. Within CBD are pain relieving properties, anti-seizure properties, anti-cancer properties, and blocks out the worst effects of THC. All this argument has been backed by research and testing where examinations are done out in the field among marijuana uses. Those with CBD registered less adverse effects from their marijuana usage. The research has also been corroborated in animal studies among other groups. We are seeing some cancer research groups champion for the use of CBD in cancer chemotherapy. Others have argues for its use in offsetting diabetic neuropathy that is the leading cause of blindness nationwide.Is there a Difference between Hemp and Cannabis CBD Oil?CBD oil has become the preferred term when talking about the different oils derived from the hemp plant. In the real sense though, they are quite different. Some Cannabis CBD oil varieties may have high concentrations of THC – just under 10 percent. In other cases, the concentration in CBD oil is less than 2 percent. Industrial hemp has even lower concentrations – under 0.3 percent. Cannabis Oil: Primarily derived from marijuana, cannabis oil has a high percentage of THC. In that regard, it can only be bought in a place where marijuana is legalized. Another alternative would be through prescription. The level of compound (CBD or THC) will vary in different products. Commercially produced cannabis oils tend to contain more standard CBD and THC concentrations. Hemp seed oils: Industrial hemp seeds get cold-pressed to create nutty oils. Such products contain few traces of cannabinoids, one of which is CBD. In addition, within the hemp seed oils are vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. This makes them suitable for cooking, creating biofuels or skin care products.Does CBD oil result in a high?From a user point of view, CBD simply tastes as an essential oil. To be more precise, the taste can be likened to that of a flower. Cannabinoid does not give you the buzzing high feel synonymous with smoking marijuana. Considerations Actually, it is common knowledge that the hemp-based oil creates no psychoactive responsiveness whatsoever. Contrary to misconception, it will not cure cancer or any other disease. It will, however, help when treating mild conditions like arthritis, pain or anxiety. It's best to consume to receive a prescribed dosage from a medical practitioner. Just as with most remedies in life, the positive effects start to kick in a week or so.

We Are Becoming Overwhelmingly Dependent on Computers

SUBIECTUL 1 – WE ARE BECOMING OVERWHELMINGLY DEPENDENT ON COMPUTERS. IS THIS DEPENDENCE A GOOD THING OR SHOULD WE BE MORE SUSPICIOUS OF THEIR BENEFITS ? GIVE ARGUMENTS TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS. It is a fact that our generation is what can be called â€Å"The First Computer Dependent Generation†. Computers have become one of the most important and influential luxuries of this generation. Young people use computers every day for school, work, and entertainment. They are the first generation to have become computer literate as early as the onset of adolescence.For most of their lives they have used computers, so it is not surprising that our generation has become highly dependent upon them. Computers are intensively used in every aspect of man's life. Computer systems manage almost everything we see. Banks, schools, malls, libraries, broadcasting, military, aeronautics and governments have systems where computers play a vital role. We rely on computers to do most of our every day activities. This is the computer age. With the help of computers, mankind is entering a new era of enlightenment.Dealing with the enormous amount of data that the modern man is faced with can only be done by means of computers. What is more, due to them, huge progress has been made in many important fields such as surgery for instance. In addition, they are becoming more than ever a necessity to the educational system. By means of computers lessons are made more attractive, more instructive, certain skills are better developed. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to make a film or to compose music.Amateur filmmakers can produce work from their own homes. Graphics engineers can use computers to create three-dimensional models, or even to generate short or full-length films. Anybody who owns a computer can now enter the field of media production. Communication in our century would be unconceivable without the Internet, which is a massive network of computers, each with the ability to access any of the others. The Internet is something like a universal virtual wisdom that can be instantly accessed for any kind of information.E-mailing has become one of the most efficient ways of quick communication. | | However, this reliance on computers has several disadvantages. Anyone who has worked with computers for long periods of | | |time knows that computers can be just as addictive as smoking or drinking. Computer addiction can have a number of | | |physical, social, and psychological effects and it is to be taken as seriously as any other addiction. One common physical | | |effect computer addiction can have are back problems.Sitting for so long can take a toll on a person's muscles and can | | |result in poor posture. Poor posture can result in chronic back problems that require the services of a doctor. Dry eyes | | |and vision complications are some eye problems caused by overuse of a computer. Headaches are quite common in computer | | |addict ion and are linked to the straining of the eyes. Because of the long hours spent in front of a computer, addicts | | |often have eating irregularities. Computer addicts experience sleep disturbances or changes in sleeping patterns.Social | | |effects of computer addiction include reduced time spent socializing with others. People may begin to feel that their | | |computer is the only relationship that they have the time to focus on. They lose the desire for human contact and | | |communication and in a way they are breaking away from reality. Lacking the desire to make contact with others means | | |lacking the desire to create new relationships or to build on already existing ones. After a certain amount of time, they | | |lose their conversation skills completely.Within the lives of computer addicts it is their friends and family that suffer | | |the most from this form of alienation (=estrangement). | | | | | |There are stages in children’s lives when they should know how to play, to be able to learn the values of trust, | | |initiative, competition and cooperation. A child can only appreciate these through social contacts. Studies show that | | |individuals who spent their childhood in front of computers are more distant, isolated and have difficult social lives. | |Another point is that the availability of online chatting systems makes people rely on computers to communicate. Because of| | |this, social interaction, the development of social skills is jeopardized (=endangered). | | | | | | | | |In addition to this, the convenience provided by the use of computers in everyday life also has its price. Online banking | | |systems are rather potential hacking zones, computer file management and storage are vulnerable to viruses and hackers, | | |individuals’ personal data are no longer private.Although crime prevention has benefited a lot from computer usage through| | |CCTV cameras, GPS systems and digital identification systems, people do not seem to be prepared to live in a world where | | |their every step is being watched and recorded. In modern society convenience comes at the expense of privacy loss. | | | | | |I strongly believe that if people are aware of the potential hazards of computer dependency and if governments can do | | |something to educate or inform people about them, then problems arising from this issue will be minimized. |

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Pacific Islands Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pacific Islands Culture - Research Paper Example These groups of islands have both differences as well as commonalities based on culture, social structure, and historical experience. Populations migrating from other regions such as Africa and Asia began colonizing the islands over 35,000 years ago. Over the millennia, there were numerous encounters of the settlers with the outside world. Of over 6.3 million currently living in the Pacific Islands, the majority of the population of around 84% live in Melanesia, only around 9% live in Polynesia and approximately 7% live in Micronesia (Eccleston et al, 1998). Melanesia is related to the Greek words melas which means black and nesos (islands); it refers to the â€Å"physical appearance of the indigenous inhabitants of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji and Solomon Islands† (Eccleston et al, 1998, p.249). Polynesia is related to the Greek word poly (many). It forms a triangular group of islands including Hawaii in the north, Aotearoa/ New Zealand in the south-west to Rapanul/ Easter Island in the south-east. The single culture in this unique triangle is reduced by the intrusion of colonialism. Indigenous Polynesians maintain effective sovereignty to some extent only in the inner islands, excluding the peripheral ones. Micronesia from micros (small) encompass the Northern Marianas in the north, Palau in the west, and Kiribati in the south-east. The smaller islands of Micronesia have societies similar to those in Polynesia; they are â€Å"ruled by indigenous hereditary aristocracies both before and after contact with colo nial powers† (Eccleston et al, 1998, p.249). In comparison with Polynesia and Micronesia, in most of Melanesia with some exceptions like Fiji which is on the boundary, the societies are more egalitarian with equality among men; contrastingly however, gender inequalities are greater. Originating from the Fujian province of southern China, seafaring people who spoke the Austronesian language, settled in the distant parts of Melanesia,